How to Protect Your HVAC When Remodeling Your Home

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Remodeling your Fayetteville, North Carolina, home can be a great springtime project. Before you refresh your space, however, make sure you’ve considered your HVAC system. From blocking off the construction area to purifying the air, try these five steps to protect your HVAC system when remodeling your home.

Block Off the Construction Area

Before beginning the construction process, block off the area where you’ll be doing the remodeling. Hang plastic sheets to prevent dust and other airborne materials from entering the rest of your home, and place dust mats on the ground to keep the construction crew from tracking dust through your home.

Cover and Close Select Registers

Next, close and cover registers that supply conditioned air to the area you’re remodeling. Taking these steps will minimize airborne dust and prevent construction dust from entering the vents or ductwork.

Change the HVAC Filter Frequently

At Cape Fear Air, Electric, & Plumbing, we recommend you change the HVAC filter regularly, whether or not you’re remodeling your home. During construction, however, we suggest replacing it more frequently. Replace the filter every 30 days, and consider changing it more often if you notice excessive buildup on the filter.

Schedule HVAC Maintenance

When the remodeling process is complete, schedule a tuneup for your HVAC system right away. Our team will clean, inspect, and recalibrate your heating and cooling system to make sure it’s operating efficiently in the remodeled space.

Invest in an Air Purifier

If lingering construction dust or other contaminants are of concern, we might also recommend that you invest in an air purifier. This HVAC add-on can remove up to 95 percent of the contaminants in your home’s air supply, protecting both your HVAC system and your family.

Whether you need HVAC maintenance or you’re in the market for a new heating and cooling system, we’re at your service. Call your local HVAC professionals at Cape Fear Air, Electric, & Plumbing to schedule an appointment at (910) 857-5952.

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