zoned air conditioning

What You Need to Know About Zoned Air Conditioning

April 12, 2018

When you live in North Carolina, you quickly learn that your air conditioner has a significant impact on your energy costs. Even if you have a high-efficiency air conditioner, you need to pair it with an advanced control system in order to save the most during the cooling season. For many homeowners in Fayetteville and Raleigh, the clear solution is zoned air conditioning.

What is Zoned Air Conditioning?

With traditional central air, you have a single thermostat that sets the target temperature for your entire home. Zoned control systems break up your home into multiple cooling “zones,” each of which can be set independently. Dampers in the duct system are used to distribute more or less conditioned air as needed to each climate control zone.

Benefits of Zoned Air Conditioning

Zoning allows you to maximize energy efficiency by tailoring your air conditioning in real time to your changing needs throughout the day. For example, you may have a space that is only used occasionally, such as a guest bedroom. Instead of wasting energy cooling in that unused space, you can separate it into its own cooling zone and turn the AC off when the room is not in use.

In addition to reducing energy usage, zoned control allows you to improve comfort in many circumstances. Older homes, for example, often have that one room that runs especially hot or cold. You can use a zoned control system to direct more or less cooling power to that room for optimal comfort.

Invest in Home Automation with Cape Fear Air, Electric, & Plumbing

Zoned control is just one of the advanced home automation systems the HVAC industry has created in recent years. It’s time to take control of your home heating and cooling systems to save money and live more comfortably all year long. To learn more, check out our home automation services online or call 910-216-9394.

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