Having poor HVAC efficiency can be frustrating for Raleigh, North Carolina, homeowners. In order to stay comfortable, a functional HVAC system is a must. If your system isn’t operating at peak efficiency, check out these tips to help it run better and save money on energy costs.
Program the Thermostat
If you’re in the habit of manually adjusting your thermostat to maintain a comfortable indoor atmosphere, your system is probably struggling to operate efficiently. The first step in improving efficiency is programming the thermostat based on your schedule and habits. When you’re at work or away from home, allowing the temperature to drop or raise by 10-15 degrees can reduce your bills substantially. Setting the thermostat also eliminates the need for constant manual changes, which cause the system to cycle on and off more often and use more energy.
Keep it Clean
Your HVAC system must be clean to operate at peak efficiency. A clogged, dirty filter or ducts that are full of dust and debris can restrict airflow, which causes the system to work harder to move the air in your home. Change your filter every month or two and get the ducts professionally cleaned on a regular basis. Regular HVAC maintenance can also help keep your system running properly. Schedule your HVAC tune-ups every spring and fall.
Uprade Your System
If you’ve had your system for at least 10 years, it’s probably time for a replacement. Upgrading to a more efficient system can improve your indoor air quality and reduce your utility bills. Purchasing a new HVAC system can end up saving you money in the long run.
If you’re still struggling with HVAC efficiency, our team at Cape Fear Air, Electric, & Plumbing can help. Contact us at 919-246-5801.