With a cold winter upon us, now is a good time to have the old electrical system in your Raleigh, North Carolina, home inspected. At Cape Fear Air, Electric, & Plumbing, we’ve got your electrical needs covered, and we want you to feel confident about your home’s electrical system. Take a minute to look at why it’s a good time to have your home’s old electrical system inspected.
Added Stress During the Winter
During the winter, when you have to use more lights and plugs, the additional energy usage can cause circuit breakers to trip, fuses to blow, lights to flicker, and outlets to start smoking. An inspection will identify potential problems and will ensure that during the coldest days of winter your family can rely on an up-to-date electrical system.
If you enter a claim on your insurance policy or change policy providers, your insurance company may ask for the results of a recent electrical inspection in order to ensure that your home meets safety regulations. Depending on the condition of your electrical system, you should have an inspection done once every three to five years to be proactive against whatever life may throw at you.
Fire Hazards
When there are electrical fires, old wiring (especially aluminum wiring) is usually to blame. With regular inspections, your family will have peace of mind knowing that your house’s wiring, outlets, and power sources meet current standards.
Damage from Wear and Tear
If you live near the coast, you should be concerned about the salty air limiting the longevity of your wiring. In addition, wherever you live, rodents can get into your home’s electrical system and chew apart the wires. Regular inspections will help ensure that your system continues running safely and efficiently.
Is it time for your home’s electrical system to be inspected? If so, call Cape Fear Air, Electric, & Plumbing at 919-246-5801 and schedule for one of our professionals to come out and conduct an inspection.
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