In Raleigh, North Carolina, you can count on the news letting you know about the air quality outside but who is monitoring your air quality inside? Bad indoor air quality can wreak havoc on your short-term and long-term health. It can also cause your HVAC to deteriorate at a faster rate. Here are four signs your indoor air quality is poor.
Severe Allergies
It is not uncommon to suffer from allergies. Most people who have allergies know what triggers it and also know which seasons are worse than others. Check to see if you or any of your family members are sniffling a little more than usual.
Unusual Smells
If you notice strange smells and cannot find the source, it may be something in the air. Check to see if it is coming out of the vents. If so, you may have contaminants or pollutants in the air. Poor air quality can make you and your family sick. Call a professional to help you find the odor’s source.
Dust and Dander
Do you have pets? Did you add a new cat to your household? Maybe you live in a dusty area. If your home has excessive dander and dust, call an expert to see what you can do to improve your air quality.
Inconsistent Air Distribution
Even if you do not have smells, dander, or more allergies, there are other signs that you may have poor air quality. Are certain rooms colder or warmer than the rest of your house? Problems with your heating and cooling systems will not only affect the air quality but the temperature as well. It may be an easy fix — check your vents. Are they opened? If that does not fix the situation, it’s time to call a pro.
Don’t ignore signs that you may have inferior air quality in your home. It not only compromises your health it also taxes your HVAC system. Give Cape Fear Air, Electric, & Plumbing a call at (919) 879-2033 and let our professionals evaluate your air quality. We care about your family’s safety.
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