You don’t like waiting for someone to come along and fix your problems. You like to take initiative and get your hands dirty as much as possible. Lucky for you, you don’t need to wait for someone to fix the energy efficiency in your Fayetteville, North Carolina, home. You can improve your energy efficiency, your home comfort, and health with these three simple DIY tasks. Read on to learn more.
Change Your Air Filter
One of the simplest DIY habits is to change your HVAC system’s air filter regularly. Over time, this filter clogs with dust, dirt, and other particles. If that clogged filter sits in the system, it will restrict airflow and put a strain on the machine, both of which reduce energy efficiency. Replace your air filter once a month, and you’ll free the airflow and improve your energy efficiency.
Clean Around Your HVAC System
Cleaning may not seem like the most exciting DIY task, but the dirtier your home, the less energy efficient it is. Too much dust, dirt, and clutter can restrict airflow and force your HVAC system to work harder to maintain comfort. Clean your home regularly, especially around your vents and heat registers. Keep your outdoor compressor unit free from debris, as well.
Install a Ceiling Fan
Make a weekend project out of installing a ceiling fan, and you’ll save energy. While ceiling fans don’t technically blow cool air into a room, they can make a room feel cooler by moving the air and regulating humidity. With a ceiling fan in your living space, you can turn your thermostat up a few degrees without noticing a difference in comfort. That minute change in temperature will take some pressure off your system and improve efficiency.
To improve your energy efficiency, call Cape Fear Air, Electric, & Plumbing at 910-216-9394.
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