When it comes to indoor air quality, there are a wide range of products and services on the market to help Fayetteville and Raleigh homeowners breathe easier. Some of the most popular IAQ products we sell and install are air purifiers and air cleaners. If you’re considering investing in one of these systems, here’s what you need to know.
There Are Two Main Types of Particle Removal
Most air cleaners used in homes fall into two broad categories. Mechanical air cleaners use filter materials such as fiberglass to capture particles and remove them from the air directly. Electronic air cleaners are somewhat more complex; they give particles an electric charge and then use electrostatic attraction to remove those particles from the air. Both types of purifiers are available at a wide range of price points and efficiency levels depending on your needs.
MERV Ratings Measure Air Purifier Effectiveness
The effectiveness of mechanical air cleaners or air purifiers is measured in terms of MERV rating, which stands for minimum efficiency reporting value. MERV ratings range from 1 to 20, with higher numbers indicating greater efficiency in removing airborne particles. Note that there is no MERV equivalent for electronic air cleaners.
Understand HEPA vs. HEPA-like
HEPA filters are the highest standard in the world of air cleaners and purifiers. True HEPA filters have MERV ratings between 17 and 20 and are tested to remove 99.7% of particles 0.3 microns in diameter or larger. You’ll also see air cleaners and purifiers advertised as “HEPA type” or “HEPA-like;” these terms are not regulated and could mean anything. Always check the MERV rating before investing in one of these air cleaners or purifiers.
Investing in an air purifier could be an important step, especially if there is someone in your home with asthma or respiratory allergies. To learn more, check out our indoor air quality solutions online or call 910-216-9394.